Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Types Of Rudraksha Beads To Match Our Concern

People from all walks of life who have worn Rudrasha either as pendants, bracelets, malas or just displaying it in the home or alter have consistently testify that it give relief to their stress, hyper tension, insomnia, depression and other mind related problems.

Basically there 21 types of Rudrasha beads. One facet until 14 facets (Mukhis) are more readily available while 15 until 21 are more uncommon and the later are known to demand a price tag equivalent to a new Merce. As usual, the rarer ones are more expansive to acquire. They are not different variety of the Rudraksha family but only differences in the number of their facets or vertical groves or lines that run vertically from the top to the bottom of the beads.

Before wearing, the Rudraksha beads should be washed in Ganga water and proper prayer conducted by priest preferable in a well known temple.

Different mukhis are known to impart different attributed to the wearer.

One Faced Rudraksha

It is considered to be a manifestation of Lord Shiva. Therefore it should be worn on the neck or kept on an alter or place of worship.This one facet Rudraksha is said to bring about all kind of auspiciousness.

Individuals who keep one facet Rudraksha never run short of money, suffer from catastrophic diseases or sorrows. They become famous, wealthy and powerful. These Rudrakshas bring respect and honor to their wearers and create a general aura of favorable circumstances in all walks of life.

The one faced Rudraksha should be worn on a red thread or string enclosed in a gold or silver cap. The mantra om namo shivaya should be chanted when worshiping or wearing this Rudraksha and the best day to wear it is said to be Monday. High quality single faceted Rudrakshas are expensive.

Two Facets Rudraksha Bead

It symbolizes Shiva-Shakti, the Cosmic Creative Principle and His Consort, the Manifestive Material Potency. Shiva and Parvati Devi are the two greatest bhaktas (practitioners of the yoga of devotion) and this Rudraksha is said to be of use to those who wish to advance on this path.

This two faceted Rudraksha should be worn on a red thread or a gold or silver chain. After touching it to the feet of a Shiva Linga or a deity of Durga Mata, it can be worn chanting sri gauri shankaraya namaha.

Three Facets Rudraksha Bead

It symbolizes the manifest trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the presiding deities of Creation, Maintenance and Destruction respectively. Those who wear the three faceted Rudraksha are said to please all of the gods, and neutralises all inauspicious planetary influences.

It should be cleansed in Ganges water and worn on three threads, white, yellow and red. Preffered to be put on Sunday after sunrise with the mantra om brahma vishnu mahesh devaya namaha.

Four Facet Rudraksha Beads

It is considered to symbolize four headed Brahma, the Creator of the material universe. Recommended for students, poets, scientists and those seeking academic posts, are advised to wear this Rudraksha. Those who wear it will become esteemed in social circles, learned, respected and honored, people will seek them out for advice and they will be given great responsibility. It should be strung on a red thread and worn on a Thursday with the mantra om brahma devaya namaha.

Five Facets Rudraksha Bead

It is a manifestation of five-headed Lord Shiva. This is the most common form of Rudraksha beads. Wearing it is said to satisfy all of one’s desires. It should be worn on a red thread after touching it to a Shiva Lingam while chanting the mantra om namaha shivaya on any day of the week. Japa (recitation of mantras) performed on a rosary of five faced Rudrakshas is always fruitful. The wearing of such a garland is also considered to be of great benefit.

Six Facets Rudraksha Beads

Six faceted symbolizes Lord Shiva’s powerful and benevolent son, Kartikeya. Kartikeya, who has six heads, is the Commander-General of the celestial armies. Known to protect children from childhood diseases caused by witches, ghosts and other subtle causes, he is quite fierce in the protection of those who take shelter of him.

Diseases from the fire element and blood are said to be alleviated by wearing this Rudraksha, including high blood pressure, all kinds of fevers, headaches, stomach problems, etc. For students and intellectual types the six faced Rudraksha is also recommended. It is also considered very useful in cases of mania and other mental disturbances, especially those with supernatural overtones.

It should be put on Monday after touching it to a Lingam chanting om shivaya kartikeyaya namaha.

Knowledge can give you a real advantage. To make sure you're fully informed about Rudraksha, keep reading.


Unknown said...

I fully agree with you regarding the power and aura of the rudraksha beads and have personally experienced it as well.
Please look into my Blog on the subject http://thepowerofrudraksha.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

see original round ek mukhi rudraksha here
